Ben Hinks Next Generation Leader at New Community Church provides our thought of the day about responsibility.
It’s the little things that matter.
Sometimes we can get so caught up in everything, or (if we’re honest!) so caught up in ourselves, that we can lose sight of or even ignore the little things. These things we think are “small” often matter a great deal more than we think, they are usually more obvious to others than we like to recognise, and they are almost always things we can easily do something about.
Jesus famously said, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much…” Taking responsibility is so often just about doing the simple things well. Making the small things matter makes so much of everything else fall into place. If we take care of the pennies the pounds will take care of themselves.
Try making the bed in the morning, putting your phones away during dinner, giving others some quality time, give yourself enough time to get to where need to, show up, think ahead, be affectionate, laugh, pray.
As Mother Teresa wisely said, “We cannot all do great things. But we can all do small things with great love.”
Start with the little things today.