Here is our thought of the day from Theo Amer who is the Central Congregation Leader at New Community Church
Spring is on its Way:
When I walked through the park today the spring flowers were out and the birds were singing. But it was cold and windy, and I needed a hat and gloves to keep warm. It still feels like winter, but there are signs that spring is nearly here. It feels like that with lockdown too. The schools have gone back this week, and we’ll be able to meet outside in groups of six at the end of the month, but we’re still shut in our homes right now. But like the seasons, even when we’re still in winter, we know that spring is around the corner. It was God who made the seasons, and it’s God who gives us hope - that we will soon be out of lockdown, enjoying the freedom that we all long for. Let’s keep going, it’s not far away!